"And everyone who has left houses or brothers or sisters or father or mother or children or lands, for my name’s sake, will receive a hundredfold and will inherit eternal life."
Matt. 19:29
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This was the last time we were able to be with
our son and his amazing, godly lady (10 months
We love & miss them both oh so much.
He is in the Navy, she is getting her Master's in
Social Work; all in California.
For the moment, this is a place I have found myself sitting at quite often. As I was waiting on the Lord one morning; the tender Holy Spirit nudged me and simply reminded that Jesus was stripped and broken.
Literally; YES! His clothes were stripped of Him; and remember this was His choice...His surrender to the Plan of God as He withheld His power, He allowed weakness.
Jesus was also stripped from His loved ones, and comforts and even basic needs. "And Jesus said to him, “Foxes have holes, and birds of the air have nests, but the Son of Man has nowhere to lay his head.” -Luke 9:58
Remember, "He thirsted." (Jn. 19:28)
His- 'God-the-Son' natural abilities to overcome and simply press through (with ease) - He surrendered at the Garden of Gethsemane. "Not My Will, but Thine be done." Lu. 22:42
He was hot and tired! He was in horrible pain from the BROKENESS!
He totally relied on Simon the Cyrene to carry His Cross. We all know Jesus could have carried it, but chose to BE WEAK. If He didn't choose to be weak; where would we all be today?
Simon was from what is modern day Lybya; and Cyrene was the capital of a Roman district. Read:
"Luke records men from Cyrene being among those converted at Pentecost (Acts 2:10). After the martyrdom of Stephen (Acts 7), believers from Cyrene were among the first to be scattered by the persecution in Jerusalem; arriving in Antioch, they preached to the Gentiles there (Acts 11:20). These believers were instrumental in the formation of the church at Antioch, where, for the first time, “the disciples were called Christians” (Acts 11:26)."
Meditate on this: If Jesus was not 'STRIPPED AND BROKEN' how would this have rerouted God's Plan for all people?
This path; DEEPENED them pass the Surface into a depth of TRUE PURPOSE that Jesus had when He came upon the earth: 'To Save The World!'
How is this working in the Snowden's Lives; and in particular- me (Daneille)?
Well, so many have 'followed' our life path for many years. Watching us enter into the ministry, moving around the United States pastoring. Also having children, and then Brad becoming gravely ill. Then there was the sickness, poverty, loneliness and stress of still pastoring; brokenness that was quite evident.
As we followed God's Call to Mozambique, Brad was then healed, and we worked feverishly to raise support to serve Him here in Africa.
ALL TO SAY... we are definitely on another road (a journey); and finding it to be a ROAD TO 'YET' ANOTHER CROSS.
REMEMBER: the Lord declares; the Cross isn't just a symbol of suffering!!!! NO!
It is where the GREAT DIVIDE was torn asunder (Matt. 27:51).
Jesus says; 'For the Keys of Hell and death to be attained by Me; I had to pass through the Cross!' ♱
As we see Jesus; 'SUBMITTING' to (weakness) such abuse; it teaches us that power does not function in the Kingdom of God the way it does in the world. He simply displayed this to His disciples and to us today.
"Whosoever then humbles himself as this child, he is the greatest in the Kingdom of heaven." Matthew 18:4
Jesus humbly stood silent; taking all this world could 'dish-out' at Him!
One of many of my 'go-to' verses is;
“And he said unto me, My grace is sufficient for thee: for my strength is made perfect in weakness. Most gladly therefore will I rather glory in my infirmities, that the power of Christ may rest upon me.” 2 Cor. 12:9
We have come to a place of humility, and great weakness; again. Yet, when I look at Jesus and the power in weakness; it stills my spirit; it brings me to a 'place of rest' in the center of His Perfect Will.
I hope this blesses someone and that it increases your hope in the One Who loves you most.
We do appreciate your prayers as we serve Jesus by serving others here in Mozambique. Please pray in every area.
Church in TsalalaChurch in Picoco
Excited to go to church.
In Mavalane and see Jennifer her baby? We picked her up for church. Very special young lady.