Thursday, December 6, 2018


copyright(c) 2018 Daneille Gray Snowden

   Christmas celebrations have already begun all over the globe; cookies made with the cutest of decor, and many presents being exchanged. Even here in Mozambique; we see bits of Christmas sparkle all around. 
   Our Christmas tree was put up last week; and our girls have been making homemade cards and old fashion Christmas crafts. 

Here them practicing for this weekends Christmas
Musical. For the past couple months they have worked with the students from CAM (our Christian School) K-6 grade with the musical part of their Christmas Play. 

They worked so hard, and loved watching how the children sang (loudly) songs about Jesus.

Christmas in Mozambique is not a huge celebration; as most do not know what Christmas truly means.

I was with a team mate visiting some children, (there was one with a severe disability) as she asked them if they knew the meaning of Christmas; of which they replied, it's celebrating the New Year. Thus, the story of Jesus was shared.

What an amazing opportunity for us to express why we love celebrating this time of the year; about Jesus coming, humbling Himself as a baby to be the Lamb who takes the sins of this world.
Praise the Lord! Please pray those doors open and we walk right in.
In matter of fact; we were able to pray just yesterday with a homeless man, thus the doors are opening. 

Our family wants to express our love, as we pray you have a lovely holiday with your family friends. We pray you sense a true nearness to your Lord and Savior this Christmas time. We ask you to whisper a prayer for us and our family, as we will not be with them this year. My parents will be alone, as they were for Thanksgiving as well. It's hard; but we are here on a MISSION - to declare the Love of God in this country in dire need for Him.  Also, pray for our son serving in the Navy too!
He has an amazing woman of God who said; "YES!" They will be married March 30th. 
-PLEASE PRAY WE CAN GO TO THEIR WEDDING! {AS GOD WILLS.} We cannot use our support account for this. Thus, we need a miraculous supply to fly to California as a family to be there. 

Tabitha embracing the children. 'Tabihat'

This little one cannot speak. It was a challenge to get her to smile.
She didn't mind being loved on. That Felecia did well!

PtL...we made it to Mozambique!

Tabitha in her tabihat! (pun intended)

Sharing at Tsalala Church

This depicts why we are here. Being a support and help to our Pastors.
Brad praying with Pastor Lucas.

Being introduced at the Entaka Church.

Rugby anyone?

Jorge Miambo has become a dear friend. A sweet man of God, who
has been there with us from the beginning. He has translated
for us several times. Praise God for Jorge. 

The girls went to a Palavra de Vida youth function. We witnessed 75 youth give their
hearts to Jesus there. An amazing ministry. 
They will be attending their camp...and yes it will be all in Portuguese. 

Maputo's Train Station is regarding as the world's 3rd most beautiful train station in the world. 

Celebrating Felecia's 20th birthday!

At Mashavana Church.

Pastor Abel Miambo, our friend, our pastor too. A great man of God! God has used him to pioneer 3 churches here (so far). 

Mavalane Youth our 'home' church. Love them!

We visited Jane Goodall's Chimpanzee sanctuary. 

The mountains in the northern part of South Africa (Nelspruit). 

Norma, our truly gifted Portuguese teacher. So patient too! She is a strong woman of God! We are blessed!

Nathan & Emily so in love. 

Tabitha with the Indian Ocean in the background, in Maputo.

Rui Antonio  one of the main leaders at the Mavalani church. He is a fine young man, 
on fire for God! He can lead a service and preach with a rich anointing. 
Very proud of him. He calls me 'Mai' & Brad 'Pai'  (mother)...he is dear to our hearts.

Rui & Helia came over to practice with the girls, 
as they 4 will be ministering together this
coming Sunday as Brad will be preaching. 
Helia is the other leader at Mavalane. 
She is an amazing young woman, we too 
have a heart connection with her. 

Listen to this song, in Changana.

10 young people were baptized at the Piccoco Church.