God's Provision
His protection, His healing, His presence!
This past summer, as we traveled through different provinces on the West side of the DRC, we experienced God’s protection.
We were traveling up north along the west side of the DRC and drove through our third province, where we stayed for several days.
When we returned, we were delayed many times at each border. Simply because when they see Americans many view, this as an opportunity to glean more money for personal gains.
How far they will go, we never know.
At the last border, we were exhausted from a week of ministry in the north, extreme heat, including no air conditioning, and no sleep.
They pulled our vehicle to the side, with many surrounding our car. Of course… they are all staring at us, as we were listening to an abundance of Lingala that was being spoken.
At that point, we stopped, allowing fear to even enter our hearts. We had seen God move over and over again and how He had covered us that entire month.
We were just simply exhausted!
They would not let us go! Then I
began proclaiming the power of God and said: “No, in the Name of Jesus!” I then looked at one of the government officials that was standing there (who was watching me). We made eye contact and I just said, “Please let us go!”
He immediately went to the military guards and government officials and said, “My friends, let these people go. They are very tired and need to go home.”
They listen to him! [That is called the favor of God!] I then looked back at this gentleman and told him; ”Thank you & God bless!” He smiled and waved goodbye.
It’s a small and simple story. But, it’s still a powerful story of God’s protection.
When we returned back to our hostel in Kinshasa and told a seasoned DRC missionary where we had been, he was stunned; especially knowing an American woman was in that territory. He stated that it is typically not a safe place for Americans.
But God! That PLACE is where we were able to train many church planters and pray for the sick, depressed, and possessed. We saw salvations that very day we were being detained (or so they thought we were being detained).
God is always faithful. We are tested on every side, we are pressed down, but let me tell you we are never forsaken!