Friday, January 24, 2025

God‘s Provision - A STORY

God's Provision

His protection, His healing, His presence! 


This past summer, as we traveled through different provinces on the West side of the DRC, we experienced God’s protection. 

Truly, we all are experiencing his protection daily. One day we will see that as we reflect on our lives. 

We were traveling up north along the west side of the DRC and drove through our third province, where we stayed for several days.

When we returned, we were delayed many times at each border. Simply because when they see Americans many view, this as an opportunity to glean more money for personal gains.

How far they will go, we never know.

At the last border, we were exhausted from a week of ministry in the north, extreme heat, including no air conditioning, and no sleep. 

They pulled our vehicle to the side, with many surrounding our car. Of course… they are all staring at us, as we were listening to an abundance of Lingala that was being spoken. 

At that point, we stopped, allowing fear to even enter our hearts. We had seen God move over and over again and how He had covered us that entire month. 

We were just simply exhausted!

They would not let us go! Then I 

began proclaiming the power of God and said: “No, in the Name of Jesus!”  I then looked at one of the government officials that was standing there (who was watching me). We made eye contact and I just said, “Please let us go!”

He immediately went to the military guards and government officials and said,  “My friends, let these people go. They are very tired and need to go home.”

They listen to him! [That is called the favor of God!]  I then looked back at this gentleman and told him; ”Thank you & God bless!” He smiled and waved goodbye.

It’s a small and simple story. But, it’s still a powerful story of God’s protection. 

When we returned back to our hostel in Kinshasa and told a seasoned DRC missionary where we had been, he was stunned; especially knowing an American woman was in that territory. He stated that it is typically not a safe place for Americans.

But God! That PLACE is where we were able to train many church planters  and pray for the sick, depressed, and possessed. We saw salvations that very day we were being detained (or so they thought we were being detained).

God is always faithful. We are tested on every side, we are pressed down, but let me tell you we are never forsaken! 


Thursday, August 31, 2023

God has taken us places! AFRICA & THE U.S.A.

God has taken us places! 
Kigali, Rwanda the capital in the background.

He's taken us places, in His Word, His Spirit, in relationships, and places. God is eternal, and there is NO MEASURE how deep, how many and how far He can take us all!
Many times, we have gone deeper, when our foundations have been tilled and broken. Through near death experiences, to a sense of dismay; God has used it to deepen our soul only to pour more of His Presence and Word into. It changes who we were to a person God needs. And the change continues to happen as we walk a life God leads for His Great Purpose!

Proverbs 16:9: “We can make our plans, but the Lord determines our steps.” Psalm 31:14-15: “But I trust in you, Lord; I say, 'You are my God. My times are in your hands.” Proverbs 20:24: “The Lord directs our steps, so why try to understand everything along the way?”

Since the last post, we have been to Rwanda and also traveled in the states. I had longed to go to Rwanda for three years, and the door wasn't opened due to covid restrictions. Halleluiah, the Lord took that wall down and opened up the avenue to go. He provided miraculously financially, since our support has dropped; it isn't an automatic for us to pack up and go.
We have learned that God's timing and ways are perfect. That the (people) instruments He has used to partner with us to travel have been; like I mentioned above, places of new relationships that are connected to one-another heart's.

We travelled far and wide in Rwanda. Our days were full as we  averaged 6-12 hours of driving and walking per day. Rwanda is known as the 'Land of a Thousand Hills' thus, those places we  went were up high mountains and steep valleys. Our walks constituted of muddy paths due to the rainy season, taking us into places where God's Presence was rich! 

This is where we would meet church planters who do not have  vehicles, of whom walk hours to their villages to begin God's Work. They risk being attacked by people and animals. One region is known for wild gorillas. In these places, we were able to witness the fruit of their praying and fasting, their long walks, faithfulness and simply, their hard work. Incredibly, they build their churches themselves and in most cases they make their own bricks as well. 

We met many church planters and their trainers who suffered  during the Rwandan Genocide in the 1990's. Several witnessed their spouse & family members killed. They themselves were even wounded and wear the scars. Still, this has not stopped them. 

There was several villages we visited that once was full of witch doctors, our leaders fasted and prayed for many many days. As they did the witch doctors fled, next God will lead them to a 'persons of peace' to share Jesus. Now, many churches are in those exact places. 

There are as many needs as there are blessings. One group has begun a entrepreneur work to support them doing God's Work. They sew and do basket weaving. They gave me a beautiful basket I treasure. Pray for them, they need help with a sewing machine and some supplies to help them to be sustainable to do God's Work. They are the hardest workers I have met.

Pray for more Bibles, it was such a blessing to give them many that were donated from our local church here in the states. 

Pray for motorbikes as their roads are long and difficult. 

Also, pray for the Village Church Planting materials to be translated into Kinyawanda, as many of them do not speak French (especially in the villages). 


In the eastern part of the DRC, they face multiply wars. There are militias that 
have attacked, killed many, burned their homes and even churches. Recently, in the Spring there was terrible flooding where several refuges in the Kalamie area had to flee and live in tents. We were able to partner with Convoy of Hope, who by boat brought them not only food, they were able to bring purification devices for the water, mosquito nets and more. Yet, this month the militia didn't like them being there and burned their tents down.
We also lost one of our churches and some of our people were killed.
We are so proud of our Dynamic Women (lady church leaders) as they are requesting a building to meet and worship God plus learn of Him. 
Will you pray for them that this happens. They do need a church building. 

Angola is doing great work and new churches have been started recently. We still have not been in Angola. Please pray God leads us on when to go.

Speaking in the U.S.:
Recently, we were able to be the special speaker at a conference of pastors and church leaders. For us, we were blessed beyond what we ever expected. These men and women of God are zealous for God's Work and they themselves are passionate about missions. They raised funds to build a church in Rwanda and blessed us to help us continue in our work.

Multiply Podcast
Wow! This is in Africa, India, South America and America now! Translated in almost 30 languages. We have a strong English & French website, that is also on Facebook and YouTube. We also are on 18 podcast platforms as well.  We are praying about extending this ministry even more. 

For our feet will be set as the scripture says as 'HINDS FEET!' To scale the muddy paths in Africa, also to adapt to the climate and culture when we are there. Pray for our strength, energy, safety and health. 

Pray for our support; many do not know this, but our pay for each of us is part-time pay. Though we do full time work. God supplies, but this does limit what God has called us to do. 
[Makutcha is one of our leaders in South Kivu, DRC, he is also our translator for the Swahili Multiply Podcast. -note quote here-] 

We are just over 60% funded, obviously; to do all we are needing to do, we must be 100% funded. By funded; we are  meaning monthly support. Cash is wonderful and we are grateful, but the sustainability comes from a monthly continues flow. Like a weekly paycheck. 1% = $77.00. Will you pray and ask the Lord to lead you how He would like for you to help? Bless you for doing so, and know it is an answer to not only our prayers but also for those who we work with in Africa.

Pray for our family: our daughters who have health issues. Our son who is in the Navy and his family. Pray for Brad's mom who now is grieving the loss of her husband. Also, for my elderly parents. 

Pray doors open for us to speak and minister in the United States, Canada and wherever God may lead. "I'll go where You want me to go dear Lord..."

This is still the biggest request from all our church planters and leaders in Africa.


We were able to to download (into Micro SD Cards) the Jesus Film, Bible stories and discipleship lessons all into the languages they speak in Africa. With these, they are able to download them into their church planters and pastors phones. Hundreds are receiving the Gospel Message this way. 
Pray we can continue to do this, and God continue to supply the micro sd cards.

Also, people have been donating their used smart phones (preferable androids) and we take them to our church planters. 

Thank you for your prayers, it is dearly needed. 

We leave for Kenya and the DRC in October; your prayers are our biggest request.

God bless and thank you!

Contact us:

Wednesday, March 15, 2023



Burundi, Africa 2023

October 2023
Brad had the blessing to be able to travel to Burundi in Africa after our daughter Felecia's wedding in September.
Burundi is said to be the poorest country in Africa. 
It is beautiful, with Bujumbura the capital sitting alongside Lake Tanganyika (which likes like an ocean it's so large).
It is where Dr. Livingston met Stanley when walked through this region; planting seeds of the Gospel as he went.
It is where we have many church planters traversing the mountains, to villages where there is no church. 
Brad was able to visit with several church planters, their trainers and some churches. He was welcomed warmly. Oh the loving people of Africa is life changing.
A treat is he was able to visit the spot where Dr. Livingston and Stanley are memorialized. 
He walked up a mountain twice to a training center and church. A year before he had almost died and now he was able to do this.
All the places he went he delivered some of the Bibles our church purchased for the Great Lakes region. For most all of them it was their first Bible and will be the only Bible represented among many churches.
They would hug them and immediately open them up right as they were given to them.
He travelled up the mountains where he viewed rice  and even coffee fields. Thatched huts and people walking all around.
He stayed in a hotel that a pastor owned, fed the largest avocados he had ever seen (larger than his hand). Truthfully, he doesn't like them, but it was his source of protein. 
He preached in a few churches and met many new converts as well as church planters. 
One time, the car broke down in the middle of the road by a village. They were concerned about Brad, being a white man in a foreign country. Children first came by the droves, then young people then the adults. As they waited for an other car to come, the Gospel Message was preached and many came to Jesus.
Isn't that just like Jesus?
Brad again delivered the micro SD cards with the Jesus Film, video and audio Bible studies all in Kurundi to put in their phones to share one on one with others. It has been a great evangelism tool. 
Our church donates the phones and one gentleman at a PA camp we attended donated the the sd cards.
The dust from the travels attacked Brad's lungs. When he came home he was ill for two months. But, it was worth serving in this capacity.
I did not go because we did not have the funds for me to go. It greatly saddened my heart, but felt at peace. I too have the call to serve on the mission field; but this time I stepped back. 



Tuesday, March 14, 2023

CATCHING UP! March 2023

I allowed myself to neglect you my dear reader in this blog set aside for our missions updates and insights.
But, I can guarantee you there is a bunch of blessed missions endeavors and experience we have encountered. 

We travelled to Goma, DRC Feb. /March 2022 - it was an adventure, a challenge and a blessing.
What an interesting trip, trample through the airport there was a great victory! Wowza!
We were blessed to celebrate with church planters and their students at a celebration with a few hundred people, all singing and dancing. 

We travelled by by boat to Bukavu, DRC where we met with first our denomination in the DRC leaders: EMEC, as they came together for Training. We are their liaisons with OMS. The Great Lakes Region Coordinators came for training which constitutes of 13 men and one lady. We had a marvelous time of learning together in our training. Beautiful, hard working men who are in charge of hundreds of training centers with at the least 15 students per center. The students are the church planters, who go to a village where there is no church and share about Jesus to a person of peace. 

We loved travelling to a local training center and meeting the students and the trainer (who is also a Pastor) George. He gave his home to be the training center leaving he and his wife a small tiny room for them to live in. They both work hard for the Kingdom.

As the week came to an end and we were training about the how to use the micro sd cards that have the Jesus Film, Bible Stories and more all in their languages. 

We also were able to visit the lava fields from where their volcano erupted the year before killing thousands and destroying many homes. Including those from our churches and even one of our churches itself. 

Then Brad became quite ill one day and in the evening. We thought he had meningitis, or malaria we couldn't figure it out. He threw up so much and in terrible pain.
We had to take a 6 hour boat ride back to Goma and then he went to the hospital. The doctor said he didn't have appendicitis. He said Brad had typhoid. We had to cut our trip short and fly home. After going to the emergency room, we discovered the typhoid caused his appendix to rupture while we were in Bukavu. 
He had a drain tube placed in for several weeks. They kept him in the hospital due to the fact of the typhoid. Later, they operated and were able to remove all his appendix. 

God kept him safe and well! 




 lava fields