I allowed myself to neglect you my dear reader in this blog set aside for our missions updates and insights.
But, I can guarantee you there is a bunch of blessed missions endeavors and experience we have encountered.
We travelled to Goma, DRC Feb. /March 2022 - it was an adventure, a challenge and a blessing.
What an interesting trip, trample through the airport there was a great victory! Wowza!
We were blessed to celebrate with church planters and their students at a celebration with a few hundred people, all singing and dancing.
We travelled by by boat to Bukavu, DRC where we met with first our denomination in the DRC leaders: EMEC, as they came together for Training. We are their liaisons with OMS. The Great Lakes Region Coordinators came for training which constitutes of 13 men and one lady. We had a marvelous time of learning together in our training. Beautiful, hard working men who are in charge of hundreds of training centers with at the least 15 students per center. The students are the church planters, who go to a village where there is no church and share about Jesus to a person of peace.
We loved travelling to a local training center and meeting the students and the trainer (who is also a Pastor) George. He gave his home to be the training center leaving he and his wife a small tiny room for them to live in. They both work hard for the Kingdom.
As the week came to an end and we were training about the how to use the micro sd cards that have the Jesus Film, Bible Stories and more all in their languages.
We also were able to visit the lava fields from where their volcano erupted the year before killing thousands and destroying many homes. Including those from our churches and even one of our churches itself.
Then Brad became quite ill one day and in the evening. We thought he had meningitis, or malaria we couldn't figure it out. He threw up so much and in terrible pain.
We had to take a 6 hour boat ride back to Goma and then he went to the hospital. The doctor said he didn't have appendicitis. He said Brad had typhoid. We had to cut our trip short and fly home. After going to the emergency room, we discovered the typhoid caused his appendix to rupture while we were in Bukavu.
He had a drain tube placed in for several weeks. They kept him in the hospital due to the fact of the typhoid. Later, they operated and were able to remove all his appendix.
God kept him safe and well!
lava fields
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