copyright(c) 2016 Daneille Gray Snowden
Going to Africa from spending 29 years in the ministry here in the United States; I have seen others struggle with the 'open-door' the Lord has laid out for our family.
Have you ever been there? God has led you to do something different than what others anticipated for your life. Question is, should we allow this to HINDER what the Lord is leading?
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How do you see yourself? |
It is how we IDENTIFY who we are, how we want others to see us and then how we see ourselves. First of all, we must see WE ARE NOT OUR OWN... "know ye not that your body is the temple of the Holy Ghost which is in you, which ye have of God, and ye are not your own?" I Cor. 6:19 Thus, if we identify WHO'S WE ARE...the God of the Universe's CHILD... then we must know His Purpose far usurps our own, and others.
We do tend to want to 'please' others and do our 'duty' per say. Then as we are walking through life, we feel a dryness come, an unfulfilled and yearning as well. Retrospect then speaks out and brings us back to becoming that zealous warrior God called out years before.
"Before I formed you in the womb I knew you [and approved of you as My chosen instrument],And before you were born I consecrated you [to Myself as My own];
I have appointed you as a prophet to the nations.”
I have appointed you as a prophet to the nations.”
Jer. 1:5
When people cannot wrap their minds around this NEW path you obeyed to walk on; just point to Jesus and continue. Recognize the hindrance when it comes.
*HINDRANCES of hurt when the one's even closest to you are unsupportive of your call.
*HINDRANCES of others lack of faith, and only see depravity...for it doesn't 'fit-into' the perfect human ideals of working 9-5 retaining a weekly paycheck.
*HINDRANCES from others not doing what would be such a 'help' for you to go forward. [Remember, only God can close and open doors.]
*HINDRANCES of fear: The 'what-ifs' must totally be surrendered and left in order to be able to march on with ease and speed into God's Door of ministry.
Notice how God has prepared you as well is presently preparing you for this 'OPEN DOOR'. He just doesn't throw you out into this new life, and calling without be prepped for it. [As we do not do this to a small baby.] I think of certain prophets in the Bible; how they were raised, especially with the difficulties they grew up in; how that strengthened them to be powerful men and woman of God. Look back, and see this in your own life; it is so true.
Personally, being Pastors all of these past 25 years (and for myself my entire life), being bi-vocational and definitely NOT well-to-do; God prepped us to minister to the Pastors of one of the poorest countries on this planet! My degree is in missions; yet...the path I took (although many times I sure didn't understand) was preparation to identify with my fellow ministers (& their wives).
Along with this; my husband being seriously ill, pushing him in a wheel chair - simply struggling with day to day life. On our missions team there is a ministry for the disabled.
Our church was small, so our girls minister to the children. This birthed a 'LOVE' to minister to kids (i.e.: a calling to children's ministry) for one of my daughters. There is a ministry to children on our missions team in Mozambique.
Another daughter has been on our worship team at
church since she was 11 years old. We lost our pianist and she had to step in. Guess, what...God called her into Music Worship Ministry AND is going to use this in Africa as well.
Do you feel a DOOR OF OPPORTUNITY has opened for you? Always know:
*God will not contradict His Word. -It will be confirmed through His Word and leading.
*It will be a: " ...good thing given and every perfect gift is from above..." James 1:17
*As it states in Rom. 8:31 "If God is for us, then who can be against us." HE IS FOR YOU!
*Are you saying: "I can't do this on my own." Well, that is good; for the Lord God is a relational God. He wants us to rely on Him-i.e.: Walk of Faith. Thus, He gets the glory, for as we, "LIFT HIM UP, ALL MEN WILL BE ADDED UNTO HIM." Jn. 12:32
Lately, the Lord has been encouraging me to step away
from the 'THINGS FAMILIER - THAT BRING SECURITY'. Into a new realm; a place where God has purposed for me to THRIVE and live out my calling. That means, stepping out, clogging my hearts ears when others do not respond in coming along (joining with us as team members in support). WITH GOD, ALL THINGS ARE POSSIBLE! Glory to God!!!
from the 'THINGS FAMILIER - THAT BRING SECURITY'. Into a new realm; a place where God has purposed for me to THRIVE and live out my calling. That means, stepping out, clogging my hearts ears when others do not respond in coming along (joining with us as team members in support). WITH GOD, ALL THINGS ARE POSSIBLE! Glory to God!!!
Allow me to encourage you to do the same; step out if He is calling you. Trust your loving Father; He's got you...just go forward ONE step at a time.
Don't forget to click on the side column to link up with our missions page. You will see descriptions of who we are and what we will do in Mozambique through One Missions Society.
Thank You!