Wednesday, February 22, 2017


Newsletter February 2017

 FROM BRAD: We have many examples of successful partnership (in God's Word), such as: Moses & Aaron (before Pharaoh), Jonathon & the Armor Bearer (before the Philistine camp), and Paul & Silas in jail. PHIL. 1:5  "[thanking God] for your participation and partnership [both your comforting fellowship and gracious contributions] in [advancing] the good news [regarding salvation] from the first day [you heard it] until now." 

Partnership starts with a 'relationship'. As missionaries, we have been indeed BLESSED by every single relationship the Lord has given to us. We are 'better' - BECAUSE of what the Lord has done in and through those relationships. This type of 'partnership' is both a: USEFULL & SUCCESSFUL tool in the Lord's Hands.

We as Missionaries DO DEPEND on these relationships to be able to 'GO' and simply 'BE' His Hand extended to Mozambique.
For those of you who have PARTNERED with us; we say deeply from our hearts: THANK YOU & we do ask for our God to multiply His Blessings down upon you.

If you have yet not started partnering with us with a 'Monthly-Faith-Pledge,  it truly would be such an honor to partner with you as we work 'together' for the Lord's Kingdom.   Know that we do pray for the Lord to direct hearts, thus; would you pray as well by asking the Lord to show you what you can do as well?


From Daneille: The past 3 months have been truly growing and eventful. One of the attributes after I was 'tested' (personality test) was that I love 'ADVENTURE'. A missionary laughed and told me; "Adventure will be your life as a missionary." And it has! The road we have travelled in life has been rather unique. And now, as we make our phone calls, meet people and minister at churches my little mind is not able to wrap around it. I just GO with God and so enjoy being an open vessel to touch lives.  God has truly blessed as we share about Brad's healing and it correlating with us going to Mozambique. We have prayed with many at the alters and in homes. I can tell you right now: that we have witnessed several healings, lives touched and ministered to, families coming together and others 'called' into missions as well. This is quite humbling and exhilarating too!  Your prayers for us to our Mighty God are the THRUST that opens up hearts and lives to receive what our God has for them! Thank you very much for praying!
We just returned from Ohio, where we were able to make some 'pit' stops along the way. One was to visit my dear mother's grave sight (along with my grandmother, and several other family members). My children never knew my mother, I was pregnant with my first child when she passed away in my arms.


This was a true blessing.  We visited with Brad's Aunt & Uncle (& cousins as well) and my Uncle too. Then the Lord opened the door for us to speak at my very first church: Bucyrus, OH where my father pastored. What a treat! And the service was POWERFUL as well. They loved-on us greatly!
We've been to Shelbyville, IL, Newton, IL (many x), Olney, IL, Martinsville, IL, IN, Mt. Vernon, IL, Odin, IL, Salem, IL and so many more. We are grateful for each door.

Bucyrus Church:  MY VERY FIRST CHURCH!

Just a few houses down is the house I was a wee infant in. I remember walking to the church, as a toddler with my father and helping him 'ring-the-church-bell'!
Today, that house is a CHRISTIAN HOMELESS SHELTER!
I cried when I saw melted my heart. My first true home has become a shelter that fills the homeless with God's Love. WOW! PtL!


It's ALWAYS a blessing to go and visit headquarters (OMS- in Greenwood, IN); we just did this last week. They too, love-on us, plus fill us with much affirmation in our walk as missionaries. Every one of them work very hard to help ADVANCE all missionaries forward!

Felecia & Tabitha:  Both have been keeping themselves quite busy. We are thrilled on how our Lord is using them even as we are travelling to go to Africa. He is using them NOW. In their sharing time with the services, praying for others, sharing in the children's church and youth groups too. PtL! Thank you for praying for them.


Southern IL- Metroplis Feb.
Charleston, IL - March
Texas - March
Louisiana - End of March first week in April
First Week in April - S. IN Newburg
Need services for April, May, June. Plan on going to Kansas City, hopes to get to Pennsyvania and Indianapolis too.

"One horse can typically pull two tons, but two harnessed together have been known to pull twenty-three tons." [C.L. Knight]

PRAYER -  1) Monthly Faith Partners: $10, $20, $50, $100 or even more monthly. We just need partners. [$77 will increase our % by one more percent.]  WILL YOU JOIN US? Come on board, God is going to do this; He told us- by calling us. We would LOVE for you to be a part of this great work. We would love to have you beside us.
                    2)  Pray we stay encouraged in God's Word...focused on Him and His Promises. It's a challenge, the enemy doesn't like this.
                    3) That hearts will open among those we have already contacted: family, friends, church members in our past churches, businesses...etc.  We all want God's perfect will; pray for this.
                    4) Strength in our bodies, minds and family as we do travel a lot. Wisdom on where to go, who to call, and what to say. We always want to be led by the Spirit. Pray God leads others to us...for
'PERSONS OF PEACE' - that are gifted and connected in their particular community.
                    5) We are in need of income to help us travel and speak. Pray for continuous supply; God has been doing this MIRACULOUSLY!
                    6) For our vehicle, to stay running smoothly. We are hearing some grinding.
                    7) For our Navy Son - Nathan; he is on the ship now; working 7 days a week. In about a month (possibly) they will be taking off to go around the U.S. after they get to home base, then Nathan will fly to San Antonio for his MA (police) Training. After this, there is 'talk' of sending him to Afghanistan. Prayers Please!


ANSWERED PRAYERS:   1) We have presently met our cash budget (this is different than the monthly). This will be what is used for purchasing tickets, vehicles and the such when we arrive. So, keep it coming.... thank you for your giving.
                                            2) Many healed and touched in our services our mighty God.
                                            3) About $270 a month shy of 50%. Pray it pours in, yet ptL for what has.

DON'T FORGET to Share our miracle story with others!

HEALED FOR HIS PURPOSE SUPPORT   (click link) On YouTube & Facebook

If you could connect us with others; individuals, families, businesses, pastors, etc...Please do. Feel free to give them our phone number: 618-554-8245 and address.
Thank you for your prayers and support!

The Snowden Family  ~Missionaries to Mozambique

Tabitha's heart, and true gift is to minister to children.
This snap shot resonates with this very thing as a young boy came up as she was praying for others, asked to pray for her.

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Thank you for reading this blog. Knowing you are out there, praying is such a 'help'.
We do ask for no comments of foul language of any sorts.
May the Lord bless you and be Your comfort & guide!
The Snowdens