“This [continuous supply of oil] is the word of the Lord to Zerubbabel [prince of Judah], saying, ‘Not by might, nor by power, but by My Spirit [of whom the oil is a symbol],’ says the Lord of hosts." Zech.4:6
God anoints our prayers! He truly does, especially when we pray according to His Word (His Will & Way)! Your prayers for Missionaries to Mozambique have been so used for God's Glory. How?

*Strength - the road has been long and hard. But, "in our weakness, He is strong!" God's strength has empowered, led and broke through in oh so many ways. *Wisdom- Receiving WISE GUIDANCE from the Holy Spirit; know who to contact and when. *Anointing- We have traveled across the United States and ministered in many churches. We also have been in homes, on the streets, in community gatherings, the market place, restaurants, and coffee shops -ALL where the Hope of the Gospel was preached! Where we prayed for many; who have to come Christ, healed, called and given Hope to pursue their call. *Supply- In this journey where we have traveled; we started with no avenues of support. That was our first year. Yet, God brought it in miraculously. As my retired Pastor father told us many years ago: "He sent the ravens!" {story of Elijah} Going from no income for over 4 years to this is a true miracle in itself! He has supplied a home for us to live in, gas in our vehicles, clothes, food, personal needs for the children and such. He also has given the INCREASE - "...but God gave the increase." 1 Cor. 3:6 We went from 0% monthly funded to somewhere presently in the 90%+. HALLELUJAH!
 G0D LED US TO SET THE TARGET DATE (to be funded).
As we took some time to pray, just seeking the Lord about this; we felt strongly to set the date for APRIL 30TH. HIS TIME....HIS WAY...HIS PURPOSE! So, we took the step to announce this. When we did; more support started rolling in. And some still is too! Presently it is April 20th; meaning: 10 more days! We have an incredible amount of peace. Like the first scripture declares - " is by HIS SPIRIT...!" EVERYONE ASKS.... "So, when are you leaving?" I tell them our target date GOD GAVE US to be funded is: April 30th.
Here is the steps toward leaving: 1) FULLY FUNDED (have to be) 2) BUY AIRPLANE TICKETS (in order to get our Visa) 3) VISA & FBI BACKGROUND CERTIFIED (for residency Visa when we get there). 4) FINALIZED TRAVEL PLANS WITH AGENT 5) LEAVE
*MINISTRY - Traveling and speaking. Personal one on one meetings. And the phone calls; for support. *PACKING - Oh are we packing! We just unloaded all our large items out and most of our boxes. Now it's odds and ends. We will be giving most of what's left away. *VISITING PARENTS - They are 87 years old. Read what my father (a retired Pastor)wrote me recently: "We are fully in line with God on your leaving for His work; but it will take a lot of Prayer and His Grace to see you go and be far apart. Maybe, till we meet in Heaven. Doing God's will was never made for Convenience or Comfort, or Family "Togetherness." We all feel the same way, it's not an extended vacation; it's a 'Call of God' to run to the Dying and rescue them from eternal loss. We are trying hard to convince us of that as well." *SAYING GOODBYE - To our family: our son, parents, brother, sister...and dear friends! Saying good bye to the American liberties. To! Yet, oh we are so ready to be SPENT UP for Jesus...for the lost...for our hurting pastors in Mozambique!
If you are supporting us monthly right now...THANK YOU so very much! Thanks to those who do and have increased their support! Wow! If you haven't yet; we welcome you to be a part of this team of ministry to Mozambique. $10 a month? $20 per month or $50? To raise the support by % it is $80 a month. We feel it's important to first pray, seek the Lord - and then be open to how He leads. Everyone we have talked to, have told us that God has super blessed their lives in oh so many ways when they made the commitment to support this missionary call. They feel like they are going to Africa; that's because THEY are by their giving! There is another way to support as well: We can receive charitable gifts from an IRA. It is a very tax effective way to give, because it excludes the income from the donor’s income. A person should contact the broker who handles their IRA, and let them know their intentions. A check would need to be sent from their account directly to OMS, and include the information that it is an IRA contribution and that the funds are to go to your support account. CALL ONE MISSION SOCIETY: (317) 888-3333
 WE ARE EXCITED TO DO WHAT GOD CALLED US OUT TO DO... RESCUE, ENCOURAGE, SNATCH THE SOULS FROM DARKNESS TO LIGHT IN AFRICA! We love each of you! Contact us if you need prayer too! Love The Snowden's