copyright(c)2017 Daneille Gray Snowden
by Daneille Gray Snowden Inspired by the Holy Spirit
Many years ago, almost 40 now I was asked by God to do something and be something I truly NEVER wanted to do. Yet, I was crying tears of joy when He asked! For in that moment, He became EVERYTHING to me: the One Who sacrificed His all for me, My source of all joy and peace. The One Who loved me more than anyone!
As this happened, His Heart started beating within me...and each beat of His Heart was:
From that moment on, MY LIFE HAS NEVER BEEN THE SAME! I was 12 years old. The journey was not what I thought it would add up to be...yet, the Lord did take me into the life of ministry. Mostly in the place as a Co-Pastor with my husband Brad.
Recently, in the past 10 months of our lives, God has spent us around having our family take a HUGE step from Pastoring in the United States to being Missionary Pastors... title is:
'Pastors to the Pastors (& Missionaries) in Mozambique.'
As with anything in life; we all are not meant to do this ALONE. First and foremost; we have Jesus by our side, remember the scripture:
Heb. 13:5 "...for He has said, “I will never [under any circumstances] desert you [nor give you up nor leave you without support, nor will I in any degree leave you helpless], nor will I forsake or let you down or relax My hold on you [assuredly not]!”
Yet, we are to be THERE for one another...always encouraging, affirming, and helping in anyway we possibly can!
Phil. 2:3-5 "Do nothing from selfish ambition or conceit, but in humility count others more significant than yourselves. 4 Let each of you look not only to his own interests, but also to the interests of others. 5 Have this mind among yourselves, which is yours in Christ Jesus,"
A speaker at a ministers meeting spoke on the difficulties missionaries face in the journey of simply raising support . The task itself is phenomenally HUGE! Wise missionary organizations, with years of experience and knowledge have 'SET' a budget for missionaries that secures them in the task God called them to do. Simply said...but truly not simple to do.
This speaker encouraged his fellow pastors to not walk the other way when they see a missionary coming towards them. To answer and return their phone calls and HEAR THEIR HEART!
Many missionaries don't want to ASK for HELP FOR FINANCIAL SUPPORT...prayer is easy to ask for...$ IS NOT! It steps on places that seem to be quite sensitive for many reasons.
The speaker shared his stories how when he was a missionary that he faced loneliness as he was pushing toward the MARK OF HIS CALLING. For us, and our friends who are missionaries all concur this is quite the fact.
Matthew 5:41 "And whosoever shall compel thee to go a mile, go with him two."
A Roman mile is about 1600 yards, that deals with proportional fatigue, and hardship. This passage is defined as; “to press into service as a courier” for the royal post." It is: Going Beyond Obligation!
"By law, a Roman citizen or soldier could compel a subject from one of the conquered lands to carry his backpack, or load, for him for one mile, but one mile only. As Jesus was preaching His Sermon on the Mount, I have often wondered if He inserted the reference about the second mile when He saw an object lesson unfolding before Him and His hearers." Dr. O.S. Hawkins
"The first mile is required of us, ... it interrupts your schedule!"
Then we HIT that miracle mile that separates certain individuals from others!
"One cannot travel the second mile without influencing others. It only takes one second miler in a home to change the entire environment." Dr. O.S. Hawkins
This second mile is 'motivated by the love of Christ'
Remembering this; that Christ took the second mile.
God has been stirring this WORD in my spirit ALL day today, thus I felt led to share it with all who will be not just willing to read but be open to feel our hearts.
Our motivation to serve our Lord is FROM HIM!
We are COMPELLED ..... TO GO the extra mile and carry the GOSPEL OF SALVATION & HOPE TO THE PEOPLE OF MOZAMBIQUE. We are honored to do this for God's Glory alone!
YET...we cannot do this alone. We need a friend, a brother and sister to come and walk with us not just one mile but that EXTRA MILE too! We were not meant to do this alone; God could whisk us there in an instant...remember Philip?
No, HE chose this method so many would catch the vision; and be burden for the souls in Africa. To see this as an opportunity to be a part of saving their lives from hopelessness to purpose.
When the wallet is released into the Hands of God; to give as He; what He will do for all who are involved. From the giver to the receiver to those it multiplies and feeds!
So, I ask;
'FRIEND, WILL YOU WALK WITH ME ONE MORE MILE?' And send us to Africa by committing to some amount of monthly support?
By clicking this LINK ... in easy steps you will be connected to our missions page.
Here is where simply you fill in the amount the Lord is leading you to support
us to go to minister in Africa.
One time gifts are a blessing.
Is it $10 a month?
$20? $50? $100 (which is the average)
$77-$80 a month raises our support by one percent.
We are currently at 50% (as of April '17).